Dogs and cats exported from New Zealand to Argentina


Dogs and cats exported from New Zealand to Argentina must comply with the import requirements of Argentina listed in this notice as follows:

2.1 An official veterinarian of New Zealand must certify the following:

2.1.1 The animals were examined and found to be free from clinical signs of external parasites and infectious or contagious disease, including rabies, and are fit to travel;

2.1.2 In the case of animals over 3 months of age: The said animals have been vaccinated against rabies 30 days prior to export from New Zealand. (A copy of the vaccination record must be attached.)

2.1.3 The animals have resided for the last 3 years or since birth in a country/countries free of African horse sickness and Rift Valley fever.

An import permit is not required.

The importer accepts the sole responsibility to ensure that the animal exported complies with the attached conditions and understands his/her duties in this regard.

The animal must be accompanied by the original export certificate, completed and signed within 10 days of departure, by a veterinarian authorized by the New Zealand Government.

tekapo_New Zealand

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