Importation of cats and dogs Into the United Arab Emirates



  • An Import Permit obtained from the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, Animal Wealth Department, PO Box 1509 Dubai, UAE. Their Tel Number is 009714 2958161. Fax Number is 009714 2957766.
  • A rabies vaccination is required for all cats and dogs. This must be administered not less than 21 days beforehand.
  • An Official International Export Health Certificate must issued not more than 2 days before travel.
  • A declaration that your pet(s) lived in the exporting country during the past 6 months.
  • Any other vaccination records.
  • Microchip details
  • Tick & Tapeworm treatment to be given within 48 hours prior to export
  • Dogs must be vaccinated against the following:
  • Canine Distemper, Canine Parvovirus, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Leptospirosis (DHPPiL)

Cats must be vaccinated against the following:

  • Feline Pan Leukcopenia, Feline Rhinorachitis, Feline Cavicivirus
  • Dogs must have a Haematological examination for Babesia – this blood smear must be carried out within 15 days of departure and sent to the VLA Weybridge for testing. The results must show that no Babesia Parasites were seen.

The full set of requirements must be obtained from your local Animal Health Divisional Office. You must obtain a specimen copy of the Export Health Certificate.

There are restrictions on certain breeds of dog.

Dogs must be more than 4 months of age at the time of export.




PHONE: (818) 627-6256  (USA)

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