

  • Fill out the form Quarantine for Domestic Animals. (Quarantine can be done at your local residence)
  • Sanitary Certificate signed and sealed by your government’ vet and signed by the pet’s vet - All of this has to be done within 10 days prior to the flight
  • Vaccinations Certificate (Rabies) - 30 days to one year prior to your arrival date.
  • Fee: $30.00.

NOTE: Fax the completed Quarantine for Domestic Animals form to (507) 212-9449 or (507) 238-4059 or email it to at the Ministry of Health in Panama. This form must be sent to the Ministry of Health authorities 3 days prior to your arrival in Panama.
Take note of the following ministry working hours in the Tocumen International Airport in Panama:

  • Ministry of Health: Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 PM
  • Ministry of Agriculture: Monday through Friday

                             9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

                            7:00  PM  to 10:00 PM.

If you do not arrive in Panama during these times, please make the necessary arrangements with the above mentioned authorities.


In order to bring your pet bird with you to Panama, you must have an import permit (“permiso de importacion”) to do so. This permit is issued by Panama’s National Environmental Authority (ANAM) located at Curundu, Building 507, telephone (507) 232-5240.
As a result of the Avian Influenza Virus outbreak, it will be necessary to administer your pet with vaccines for: Avian Influenza, New Castle, Tuberculosis, Chlamydia and Salmonella.

  • Certification that the above mentioned vaccines have been given to your pet must be included in the Health Certificate issued by your vet.
  • The Health Certificate issued by the government and the Vaccine Certificate issued by the Vet must be authenticated by the Consulate of Panama.
  • If your pet arrives in Panama with some of this paperwork missing the authorities might keep it under quarantine unless they allow you to take the bird home with you under certain restrictions.


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