
The European Pet Passport (EU Pet Passport) allows for qualifying domestic animals (dogs, cats and ferrets) to freely cross borders in Europe.

The Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) provides for qualifying domestic pets to travel to and from the UK without undergoing quarantine.

Pet travel laws can be affected by exceptional outbreaks of diseases. Recent examples are Avian Influenza (the H5N1 strain of bird flu) and Foot and Mouth disease.

  • A non-commercial importer may bring up to five (5) pets into Italy
  • If the rabies vaccination was the animal's first vaccine then it must wait for 21 days before entering the country
  • There is no time delay with booster injections; providing there is proof that the booster was administered before the last vaccine had expired
  • An animal must be over three (3) months old to enter Italian territory.

Moving Pets within the European Union

European Pet Passport

The EU Pet Passport is a booklet, identical for all European countries, which contains obligatory information concerning an individual animal: identification number, proof of valid vaccine against the rabies virus. It may contain other non-obligatory information. It is valid for the lifetime of the pet. Each passport is numbered for identification purposes.

Animals traveling within any European Union countries other than Ireland, Sweden, Malta and the United Kingdom need to have:

  • Identification by microchip or tattoo (tattoos are only acceptable until July 2011)
  • Valid vaccine against rabies (except when crossing the Finnish border, where animals must have proof of tapeworm – Echinococcosis treatment).

All vets in Europe should have the relevant information and be able to prepare a pet for travel.

  • The EU Pet Passport can also be used when traveling between Europe and the following non-mainland European areas: Canary Islands, Azores and Madeira.
  • It may also be used when traveling between EU and other countries with the same rabies status. Included are: Andorra, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the Vatican City State.

Arriving in Italy

A non-commercial importer may bring up to five pets into Italy, any more than five is treated as a commercial import.

Pet owners must carry a valid EU Pet Passport for each pet when entering Italy.

If the rabies vaccination was the animal's first vaccine then it must wait for 21 days before entering the country. There is no time delay with booster injections; providing there is proof that the booster was administered before the last vaccine had expired.

An animal must be over three (3) months old to enter Italian territory.
Rabbits and rodents may travel without a pet passport but should be declared at the border.
All dogs traveling on public transport in Italy must be muzzled, on a lead and have their own ticket.

Moving Pets between Italy and the UK and Ireland

Dogs, cats and ferrets may travel between UK and Ireland, and Europe without quarantine, provided some (stringent) requirements are met. The system allowing travel is called the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS).

DEFRA, the UK Department for Environment Food and Rural affairs, has comprehensive and up-to-date information on their website. It can also provide an information pack on request.

Entering the UK or Ireland

Before entering Britain or Ireland (or Sweden or Malta) from Italy or elsewhere in the EU, an animal must:

  • Have a anti-rabies booster vaccination (the pet must be vaccinated by a vet)
  • Have a blood test. A blood sample will be taken 30 days after the vaccination and will be sent to an approved laboratory to confirm it has been effective. If the sample tests correct, the vet will sign the certificate. If the sample tests negative, the vaccination and sampling process will be repeated until successful and there will be a six-month delay (see note below)
  • between 24 and 48 hours before departure from Italy the animal must be treated for ticks, and tapeworm (Echinococcosis). An authorized vet must carry out this treatment
  • have microchip identification, a tattoo is not acceptable
  • have a valid European Pet Passport completed with certificates and documentation of treatments

Note: A passport cannot be issued until (6) six months after a satisfactory blood test. Once the vet has issued the pet's documentation and that six-month period has passed the pet may enter the UK. The travel process is then much the same as above. The passport must be up to date and the rabies booster must be valid.

If the authorities are unsatisfied with the animal on entry to the UK it can be held in quarantine until the relevant tests are passed.

Moving Pets to Italy from outside the European Union

If taking the pet to a country outside the EU consult the Embassy or consulate to check the local regulations.An animal entering Italy (or any EU country) from a non-EU country that has the same rabies controls need merely prove that the anti-rabies booster vaccinations are valid and up-to-date.

Moving Pets to Italy from the United States or Canada

Animals from the USA and Canada may enter Italy if they have:

  • a valid Veterinary Certificate (stating owners details, a description of the animal, details of identification and vaccinations)
  • valid rabies vaccines
  • a tattoo or a microchip (compatible with standards ISO-11784)

The cage or carrier must be labeled with the owner's name, and their (or a nominated person's) address and contact numbers in Italy.

Once in Italy, an Italian vet can issue an EU Pet Passport allowing travel within Europe.


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TEL: +54 11 4836-2290


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