Cats spend a lot of time licking and cleaning themselves. A regular grooming routine reduces shedding. Long hair breeds of cats require you to use both a comb and brush. Starting early in your cats life will help your cat adjust to grooming. Kittens should be brushed at an early age. Introducing grooming in this way makes it an enjoyable process. Older cats that are frightened by grooming should be introduced to it slowly. Short sessions of (5) five minutes or less work best.


Daily sessions are better than one long weekly session each week. Providing good cat care is important to your cats’ health. Keeping your cat healthy and clean is necessary to properly groom your cat. Long hair breeds require sessions every other day. This helps to keep and maintain their coat. Short hair cats require sessions every few days.

Cats regularly groom themselves, removing dirt and excess fur. However, this is not enough, because some cats do not clean themselves thoroughly. Brushing and combing your cats’ hair regularly, keeps your cats coat smooth and looking good. When grooming your cat be looking for fleas, scars, wounds and lumps.

First, there is a difference between a cat brush and a cat comb. A cat comb is used to remove excess hair, knots and dirt. A cat brush is used to fluff up the fur and smooth out the hair. If you want good grooming results you will need a wide tooth comb, a brush and a flea comb. Grooming your cat is not just brushing, but is also cleaning their nose and ears if needed. This includes brushing your cats’ teeth.

Bathing Your Cat

Cats generally do not need to be bathed, not unless they are really dirty. Cats generally are frightened of water. However, if you need to bathe your cat here is some good advice:

Brush your cat to remove all excess hair and dirt. Talk to your cat in a relaxed voice with minimal quick movements. Bath essentials should be gathered before hand. You will need towels, shampoo, hair dryer and cotton balls.

Cotton balls keep water from entering your cats’ ears. Adjust the amount of cotton according to the ear size. Use a hose or plastic container to rinse with. Wash your cat in a bath or laundry sink. Start by wetting it with warm soapy water, avoiding ears and eyes.

Be sure to hold your cat still, because it will try to escape, by biting and scratching. Once wet, apply shampoo and gently message. Rinse from top to bottom making sure to remove all shampoo. Towel dry your cat the best you can. Finish up with a hair dryer on a low setting.

Ear Cleaning

Cleaning your cats’ ears should be part of the grooming routine. Remove dirt and wax with a cotton swab, never go deeper than what you see. Going deeper could cause damage to its hearing.

Dental Care

Many people do not brush their cat's teeth. If your cat's teeth are not brushed, bacteria can build up and collect, causing tooth loss. A cat's teeth should be brushed every week. Kitten's teeth should be brushed after all 36 teeth have come in. Again, use short sessions.


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