
Cats can carry several types of bacteria, protozoa, and parasites. The most widespread diseases that we are exposed to are the bacterial diseases. Bacterial exposure can cause anything from mild itching to bone infection. It depends whether or not you are allergic to the particular bacteria that a cat carries on its claws or in its mouth.

All cat bites and scratches should be allowed to bleed freely. Antibiotic ointment should not be applied to a puncture as it promotes healing from the outside first.

Cat bites can include anaerobic organisms. Anaerobic organisms are microbes that live within of a closed wound. They do not need oxygen to survive as normal microbes do. Anaerobic organisms can cause meningitis, severe infection, septic arthritis, and tenosynovitis.

Common bacterial infections:

  • Pasteurella Multocida – a normal respiratory bacteria sensitive to penicillin
  • Campylobacteriosis
  • Staphylococcus Aureus
  • Bartonella Henslae – Commonly known as cat scratch disease. These bacteria can cause tenosynovitis, brain abscess, heart disease, bone and joint infections, pneumonia, and extreme fatigue, affects the lymph nodes
  • Coxiella Burnetti (Q fever)
  • Leptospirosa Infection

It is very essential to clean the injury as soon as possible. Severe wounds need medical treatment immediately. Time can be a issue if you are allergic to the bacteria. Cat bites are usually treated with the antibiotic augmenten. Doxycycline is another antibiotic. Diabetics and people who have weakened immune systems are at a higher risk from a cat bite or scratch.

For extra support after treatment of a wound, a person could supplement with garlic, goldenseal, Echinacea.


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