Puppy Potty Training is probably the first thing that most people have with puppy training. It is important that you get this vital first step right.

First, decide whether you will potty train your puppy to go outside or inside. Pick a command that you will use every time he goes potty. It can be “pee pee time,” or “go potty,” or what ever you choose. When you see your puppy getting ready to do his thing, say the command words. Say the command with joy and excitement, letting your puppy knows how proud you are of him. Repeat the command even while he is going.
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If you are fortunate enough to have a yard, potty training poppies outdoors is great. Try to take him to the same spot every time. The scent of his past performances will help him to go quickly. 

Try to keep his walks on regular schedules and always use the command words and lots of praise.

The biggest challenge when potty training puppies not to go in the house is teaching him to hold it. You don’t want to come home to little surprises, so if you don’t have a fenced yard, you will benefit from crate training. Like people, poppies are very unlikely to make potty in their private quarters. 

A crate teaches him to hold on. You must use good timing and be sure to watch the schedule because it would be cruel to leave him in a crate longer than he can hold it. You want the crate to be warm and comfortable so your puppy will want to use it. At first try to leave the door open so that your puppy doesn’t feel trapped.

Then begin leaving the door closed for short times while you are home, and give him lots of praise for behaving so well. Slowly increase the amount of time you leave him in, and soon he will be comfortable staying in the crate for longer periods of time. And finally do not use the crate for punishment or your puppy will not be able to adjust to it as easily.

Puppy potty training tips for indoor puppy potty training.

It is important to remember when puppy potty training, that puppies do not have full control of their potty urges until they are about 10 weeks old, so you want to keep them confined in a fenced off area in your kitchen or bathroom with lots of newspapers on the floor. Also remember that puppies need to eat and drink more than grown poppies, so it is natural that they will need to go potty more.

After 10 weeks old find an area in your home that the puppy will always go when nature calls, away from his food or bedding. Find a shallow tub and fill it with torn newspapers and keep it clean. A good tip is to keep a soiled piece of paper and put it in with the clean paper to give it that scent to attract him to his potty.

All poppies do similar things when they have to go potty. If you catch him sniffing around or circling or even catch him in the act, grab him and quickly take him to his potty. Give your command words to go potty when you put him in his potty box. Praise him as he goes, repeating your command words.

Other than circling around nervously remember to put him in his potty box after exercise or play, about 30 minutes after eating or playing, or when your puppy wakes up from a nap. Another important puppy potty training tip, is to check your puppy’s paws after he is through to be sure that he didn’t walk in his waste. Be sure to use lots of praise when your puppy uses his potty, even when he misses and makes a mess. Your puppy or puppy needs to understand that his potty is for elimination not for an act of misbehavior.

For more information or advice contact PetsVentura® professionals to assist you in training your puppy: 

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