Pet adoption can open up a whole new word of fun for you and your family. However pet adoption is a serious matter for the animal you adopt and for your family. Pets purchased on impulse, such as at Christmas often end up back at the place of adoption because the family discovers that the care of the pet takes much more time and effort than they initially realized.

Therefore before you consider pet adoption review carefully your circumstances and be prepared for a long term commitment to the care of the animal.

Once you have decided that pet adoption is right for your family there are many sources for adoptable pets. The internet is a good place to start and also has lots of information related to pet adoption. Information regarding the care your new pet is also available in great detail on the net.

Good Luck!

Animal Welfare Argentina
Centro de Adopción y Rescate de Animales HUELLITAS.
Rivadavia 6000. 1424. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: + 54 (11) 4901-1312

Adoption group
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