Entry Rules To Argentina With Pets

Admission of pets into Argentina     

The requirements to be fulfilled to get dogs and cats into Argentina are the following: 

1. Complete information on the owner:
   • first and last name;
   • country of origin or departure;
   • countries in transit (if any);
   • address.

2. Information about the animal:
   • breed – sex;
   • birth date – size;
   • weight–fur color;
   • particular signs.

3. Vaccination certificate against rabies for animals over 3 months old. 
For animals under 3 months old or that are coming from a country free from rabies and/or where anti–rabies vaccination is prohibited, this situation has to be stated on the certificate issued by the official sanitary authority. 

4. Zoosanitary certificate issued by the official sanitary authority of the country of origin that should state:
   • that the animal prior to leaving the country had no signs of any infectious–contagious or parasite disease, characteristic of the species.
   • if the animal is coming from countries that declare before the International Office of Epizooties (O.I.E.) the presence of African equine pest or Valle del Riff fever, shall certificate that in the area of origin, or where the animal is coming from, and in an area within fifty (50) kilometers of such, there have been no reports of those diseases in the last 12 months or that during that period the animal has not been taken to the affected regions. 

5. Quarantine: the animals that fulfill the mentioned requirements will not undergo an import quarantine; if there is a suspicion of infectious–contagious, zoonotic or high risk diseases the SENASA (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Animal) (National Office of Animal Sanitation) will decide on the means to assure the animal’s isolation and the corresponding sanitary measures. 

About the admittance of other species of domestic animals, each particular case has to be dealt with at PetsVentura Pet Relocation Solutions.

(54–11) 5292-6001



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