We move your pet

PetsVentura Pet Relocation Solutions® is a growing business with a motivated team located at the Buenos Aires, Argentina and offices in Brazil, Canada, USA. Our team has a lot of experience with preparing, organizing and finalizing international animal transport by air and ground. 

We are thankful of the shared conviction and outstanding workmanship that we have built throughout the years with our worldwide partners, airlines and their agents, key factors that will guarantee your animal the safest voyage to its new home. That is also where many years of experience and an immaculate record will make a difference.

Our team has been formed by the international standards of IATA (International Air Transport Association) and we keep ourselves constantly informed and updated about the newest change in laws and conditions. 

We look forward to answering your questions about moving your animal to any destination, including mandatory vaccinations, eventual blood tests and documents needed for a stress less and smooth relocation. We work with respect to the international rules for transport of live animals (IATA LAR – Live Animal Regulation) and we profit of a worldwide network of animal transport specialized businesses.

Guided by a close collaboration with the federal veterinary office, border vet, government veterinarians,  we can offer you a wide range of services including the needed information about documentation for the transport of your animal.

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