Health Certificates

A health certificate from your veterinarian is necessary, it should state that the animal has not been exposed to any communicable diseases, is healthy and when rabies shots are applicable to your pet that the shots are up to date. This certificate should be prepared within 10 days of travel. Rabies shots are considered up to date if they have been administered within the last year, but no longer than one year.
Import Permits (Birds, Ferrets, Sugar Gliders, Snakes, Other Unusual Animals)
Some animals require import permits, these include but are not limited to birds, ferrets and sugar gliders. You are required to submit an application ($15 fee) to the Department of Agriculture; the application must also be approved by the Division of Fish and Wildlife. The process can take a week to two weeks. Contact the Department of Agriculture at (340)774-5182 for more information and to request the application forms.
Do to public health and environmental concerns importing pet snakes into the territory is not allowed. This includes all types of snakes.
When traveling with a large dog, try and get a direct flight rather then one with a stop over in Puerto Rico. The commuter planes from Puerto Rico to St. Thomas and St. Croix are small and generally don't have room for a large dog carrier.
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