Ways to Love Your Pet


Show your pets the affection they deserve!

If you're like most pet owners, you couldn't agree more of the fact of the number of times your dog or cat or bird, has cheered you up when you're feeling blue.

Pets improve our quality of life! Want to repay the favor?

Below are top 10 ways to show your pets the affection they deserve:

  1. Avoid sweet treats
    Treats are a large part of showing your pet love, but people often overdo it or feed their pets the wrong thing.

  2. Teach your dog to sit
    Sitting is a basic command that makes your dog defer to you, which decreases anxiety. Sitting and lying down are both calming positions. If your dog is sitting, he will listen to you for what to do next.

  3. Watch for trends in your pet's health
    Any changes in your pet's thirst, activity or weight, however slight, can show common geriatric problems as they age. Many conditions are treatable, which can enhance your pet's quality of life.

  4. Ensure dental health
    Brushing your dog's teeth every day to prevent bad breath and prolong good health for his or her gums and teeth is important.

  5. Exercise your dog
    Love your pet by adopting a regular exercise routine. Dogs evolved to run and exercise, and they love it. We kill our pets with kindness by feeding them table scraps. We leave them out in the elements thinking they are satisfied, and we don't take an active role in their exercise on a regular basis.

  6. Keep dogs out of the back of pick-up trucks
    The potential for danger is too great. The dog is not protected from injury should an accident occur or if they jump out of the truck bed.

  7. Schedule regular veterinary check-ups
    By schedule regular veterinary check-ups annually you can help minimize major health problems later in life.

  8. Be cautious with human pain medications
    Think your pet is in pain and some of the pain relievers around the house may help? Think twice before giving any of these medications; some of the pain relievers commonly used by people can be highly toxic to dogs and cats. For example: "Ibuprofen (Motrin®) can cause serious gastrointestinal bleeding in dogs, and acetaminophen (Tylenol®) can be fatal to cats, and occasionally dogs. Always consult a veterinarian before giving any over-the-counter medications to your pet.

  9. Avoid overfeeding
    The single most common preventable veterinary medical issue is obesity. Proper feeding is very important in avoiding weight issues. Recognizing obesity before it develops and weight reduction if it is a problem in your pet.

  10. When traveling, don't forget your pet
    People who travel with pets should check and ensure they have the proper vaccinations, documentation and a method of identification in place in case the pet is lost or stolen. Your pet may need a current health certificate, and, nothing beats the redundancy of tags and a collar coupled with a permanent microchip inserted under the animal's skin.


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