If you’re a horse person and live or visiting in Argentina then you will you need to know the places where to ride horses. The following are the places we come across. Many of the riding schools are English and dressage, although there is plenty of western style riding just a bit further out from the city.

  • Escuela Equitación de Hipocampo. (http://www.escuelahipocampo.org/)

It’s English style riding and they offer jumping . They offer the following Of course we pony club. And for people with spinal problems, Down Syndrome (sindrome de Down), or other disabilities there’s a program called equinoterapia, or equine therapy, and trail riding, which is called cabalgatas.

  • Club Hipico del Norte ( http://www.clubhipiconorte.com.ar/)

Located in San Isidro(northern suburbs). They also offer equitation lessons in English and Dressage, as well as programs for handicapped riders. There’s also boarding services if you have a horse and are looking to stable it somewhere

Classes for adult and kids.


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