In some cases, the implementation of alternatives practices may improve your pet's condition. However, the same caution must be taken when using these alternatives as you would with conventional medicine. When used inappropriately, serious illness can result. The best way to address the issue of natural supplements for pets is to become informed about what treatments are available and how they can be used. Following are some of the treatments currently being used by veterinarians and pet owners to treat animals:

Arthritis, allergies, rich in trace minerals, joint problems, appetite enhancer

Aloe Vera Juice
Ulcers, over-acid conditions, arthritis, intestinal

Bee Pollen
Restore hormone balances, regulate the digestive tract, and calm the symptoms of common allergies.

Black Walnut Tincture
Fungus infections, roundworms, tapeworms, parasites, ringworm, de-wormer!

Butcher's Broom
Improves Circulation

Catnip Tincture
For the kitties, supports nervous and immune systems, euphoria, relaxation

Chamomile Tincture
Chamomile is used for the treatment of pain and inflammation in the intestines and stomach

Colloidal Silver
Natural alternative to antibiotics. Great for rashes, minor cuts, itch and yeast.

Cornsilk Tincture
Used for leakage, strengthening the bladder, soothing, helpful for many urinary problems!

Echinacea Tincture
Immune builder, fights infections, cysts, tumors

Eucalyptus Oil
A few drops in your pet's shampoo to rid fleas.

Garlic Tincture
Natural antibiotic, repels fleas

Glucosamine & Chondroitin
Arthritis, joints, rebuilds cartilage

Green Tea Extract
Immune Booster and Powerful Antioxidant

Hawthorn Berries Tincture
Strengthens heart. Also for pets with foamy drool.

Hydrangea Tincture
Arthritis, gout, kidney and bladder problems, dissolves kidney stones

Kelp Tincture
Goiter, thyroid, takes fat off, helps metabolism, cleans arteries, trace minerals, helps calcium assimilation

Marshmallow Root Tincture
Inflamed lungs & urinary, enriches nursing milk

Mullein Leaf Tincture
Nervous cough

Parsley Root Tincture
Blood builder, potassium source, diuretic, leg cramps, kidneys

Pau D'Arco Tincture - Argentina government gives it free to cancer and leukemia patients.
All infections and inflammations, anemia, asthma, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, as a blood builder, bronchitis, all types of cancer, diabetes, fungus, snake bites, tumors,

A few drops in your pet's shampoo to eliminate fleas. Caution: Undiluted pennyroyal oil can be toxic and should never be used at full strength.

Peppermint Oil
Used for thunder phobia and for calming animal when needed. Apply to feet. Not for use with cats!

Slippery Elm Tincture
Diarrhea, soothes inflamed stomach and bowel mucous membranes,

Tea Tree Oil
Ear mites, flea dip (1 T. per gallon), cuts, sores, antiseptic.
Not for use with cats!

Yucca Tincture
Natural cortisone, arthritis, rheumatism, inflammation, skin problems due to allergies.

For further information please contact us by phone: (54) 11-4836-2290 or by email. http://www.petsventura.com/ and http://petsventura.blogspot.com/


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